A sampling of postcards from the Berkeley walkabout. A surprising number of people indicated that the nearby goose honked when they either sent or received the "GOOSE" text. The only explanation for this is, of course, that the goose can detect gooseily-relevant cellular phone messages.
The first entry is a bespoke postcard created by Alec B. to commemorate one of the stops on the walkabout, Mailbox Island. Alec is now the King of Mailbox Island. Stop by the gift shop!
To clarify a small bit that pops up repeatedly in the postcards: the candy that a large number of people did not enjoy was double-salted licorice (small soft black buttons marked "DZ" for "Dubbel Zout"; the postcard has a specific "DZ encounter" query), a popular confection that originated in Northern European countries (Finland, Norway, Denmark etc) most likely in the early 20th century.
An antibacterial effect can be attributed to the neutralization of the slightly acidic ammonium chloride (pH about 5.5) by the relatively alkaline saliva (pH about 7).
You're welcome!
We're about halfway there. For a bit of variety, I made a small collage out of poignant, touching entries. It is below, then we return to postcards.